Thursday, September 5, 2013

Grandma Karen

My Madre came soon after Sandy and Sydney left. She had just been out to Massachusetts for her sister Jan's wedding. While she was here we went out to Indianapolis and made a stop at the Children's Museum. We later went to Springfield, IL where we were able to visit Lincoln's Tomb. We made a few visits to the Monticello Pool in town. My all time favorite to the pool visit lasted an entire 5 minutes before we were forced to leave because of thunderstorms in the area. Hilarious! We laughed because everywhere we went with the kids it felt like we were herding cats. Van wouldn't stop talking even when he tried. And I know more than anything I gave my mother anxiety with my driving.

1 comment:

  1. Fun fun Sid! It looks like there's lots of stuff in Illinois to keep you busy and having fun! Miss you here in UT :)
