October 25, 2011
Sugar high! I am pretty sure that after this event our children went into a sugar coma. I don't know what it is about keeping any child calm in a church building- whether it be during Sunday service or a party like tonight. Watching Van run in circles while screaming with candy running down his face was tiring just to watch. The kid can NOT sit still. Give him candy and watch the insanity.
I was talking with another Sister who has five kids under 11. We'd start a conversation, run after one child, continue on, run after another child, until eventually the conversation was completely abandoned. We ended up laughing about how we both end up running away for our children mid sentence because our kids are in the wrong bathroom or they're running on the stage, playing in the water fountain, etc. It' s crazy.
The church set up a mini carnival, where the kids could play games for various prizes. Joel and his young men were in charge of a glow in the dark mini golf that was pretty impressive. The relief society helped with a chili-cook off contest. Followed by trunk or treating around the parking lot. All in all we had a great time.